Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ebony, an Official Blogger

Hello, whoever you are, and welcome to my blog!
So, how's your day been so far, whoever you are? I'm glad to hear it. Mine's been pretty good too. Now, if you are reading this blog, you know that this is my first post. My first time as a blogger. And I am proud to say that I am no longer an unknown to the blogging world. I am Ebony Matthews, an official blogger.
And with that, I would like to move onto a new subject, BOOK SATURDAY! This blog is very different and unique from others because 1. It's a blog that you have chosen to read which makes it special and 2. because of Fashion Sunday, Cooking Wednesday, and Book Saturday. Fashion Sunday is the day that I will take the liberty to write about recent runways, new trends, good stores and good places to buy chic clothes for fantastic prices. Cooking Wednesday runs on Wednesday (is it that obvious?). I will write to you about new recipes and the do's and dont's in cooking and baking.  And on Saturday we will discuss the new and good books from my point of view and my opinion. The funny authors whose blogs I also follow, and the sappy ones who I tend to dislike. We'll talk about classics. Debate Louisa May Alcott and Jane Austen.
We would be having Book Saturday right now but I spent all this time introducing myself. Below I'll leave you a hint of watch you'll be seeing tomorrow on FASHION SUNDAY!!!!!!

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